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Ouachita Stories

Dr. Nicole Porchia assists student in Academic Success Center at Ouachita

Beyond the spotlight

March 07, 2024

As we celebrate Women’s History Month this March, we’re recogizing notable women at Ouachita Baptist University. Dr. Nicole Porchia ‘09 is the first African American woman to be associate vice president in Ouachita’s history. Dr. Porchia shares some of her story on Ouachita’s blog.

Professor working with students in classroom

How "small" made a big difference in my academic career

December 21, 2018

Deciding where you want to go to college by weighing what each school offers can be difficult – especially if you aren’t sure if you would benefit more in your studies by attending a big school or a small school. Going to a school of Ouachita’s size for my education has had some major advantages.



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